Friday, March 21, 2014

Wedding Place Cards

Ahh. Wedding place cards. I don't know what it is about them, but I'm in love. It seems silly to care about such a small thing when you think about the fact that people will only use them to find their seat, and they will be thrown away at the end of the night. At any rate, the are one of my favorite details in weddings. When they are all lined up in alphabetical order, it is just simply beautiful. Call me crazy, but I love it.

When my best friend asked me to make her place cards for her, I was so excited! And when she told my what she was thinking she wanted, I was jumping for joy (in my head of course, that would be too weird to actually jump for joy over place cards, right?)

As I'm sure you guessed, her colors were navy blue and yellow, not what you would expect from an MSU grad, but it sure was beautiful. 

In order to make these, you will need:
ribbon, card stock, regular hole punch, large fancy hole punch (from any craft store), wine corks, exacto knife, glue stick, and a printer.
Something that cuts straight is also very helpful.

Once I bought all the supplies, I spent about three afternoons at my best friends house. Her mom, aunt, and I worked until our fingers bled to get these done (kidding of course)

First, we cut the navy blue card stock 2.5 inches by 3 inches. 

Then, we cut the ribbon into 8 inch long pieces. 

Using a regular hole puncher, we punched to holes into the top, it doesn't really matter where, as long as they are somewhat near the center. Once we added the ribbon, you couldn't really see the holes anyways. 

The fun part was the wine corks. Holy cow, I swear my hands ached for days after cutting all 125+ corks. 
To get the corks to lay nicely, I cut each cork in half and cut a slit all the way across the top, rounded spot on each half. Each cork makes 2 place card stands.

The last part was the easiest, but it had to be done at the last minute, once every response card was returned and the seating arrangements were finalized. I simply typed up all the table assignments on my computer, printed them out and used my large, fancy hole punch to punch out each one. Then we used glue sticks to adhere them to the cardstock. 
**While you might not think the glue sticks will hold well, I promise they will. I tried using rubber cement, but it will make your pretty white paper look very dark due to the wetness of the glue on the navy cardstock.

Once they were all put together, we slid them into the wine corks and alphabetized them so they were ready to go. The whole process probably only took about 9 hours to make 250 place cards. We split it up into three afternoons, and it really was manageable. 

And look at the beautiful final product:

Totally worth it!
And I'm not kidding when I say I need someone else to get married now! Wedding crafts took over my life for a year and a half during my wedding planning days. I got a small taste of that again while making these place cards, and I'm ready for more. 
Apparently I should just drop out of school and be a wedding planner... a girl can dream right? 

Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. These are SO cute! I would love for you to share some of your DIY wedding projects on my Wedding Wednesday link party! :)


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