Friday, January 2, 2015

Five Goals for 2015

After ringing in the new year, I thought it was only appropriate to set some new goals. I know what you're thinking. Another blogger making another list of goals that will not be reached. If this were any other year, I'd say you're probably right. But truth be told, I have given these goals a lot of thought. While each one will be a challenge for me, they are five things that I know I need to do. Okay, four things I need to do, and one I really want to do. 

1. Exercise: At least 5 days a week for 30 minutes. This NEEDS to happen.

2. Eat Less Junk: I need to say YES to snacking on carrots and celery and NO to those oh so yummy, but oh so bad for me bag of cool ranch doritos. This also includes drinking less alcohol, which is why I will be implementing a new rule: NO drinking on weekdays.

3. Save More Money: It's crazy to think, but I am definitely the saver around here! This is  mostly because all of Adam's money goes to bills, but also because Adam spends any "extra" money he has left. This year (more specifically at the beginning of the year, before I start working for free) I want to save more money the second that pay check comes in so it's not as tempting to spend later.

4. Get Organized and Stay Organized: I am talking everything from blogging to school work, cleaning out closets, dressers and kitchen cabinets, and creating a new filing system for our paperwork.

5. Read More: Up until the past year, I have always really enjoyed reading. I have books that have been on my reading list for a few years, and it would be really nice to enjoy reading some of them.

I am feeling pretty determined to make sure these things happen this year, and I am hoping that by posting them here, I will feel a little more accountable for each of them.

A few other things I'd really love to do this year? Add more items to my Etsy shop and a few more room makeovers. There's been talk of tackling the half bath, laundry room, and guest room.

What are your goals for 2015?
I'd love to hear about them!


  1. I'm with you on the reading. A couple of blogger friends started a Blogger Book Club earlier this year and I've been taking part - it's been great for my reading habits!

    And the drinking - I've gained a lot of tummy weight having a hot toddy on cold winter nights. I need to limit it to a couple nights a week, too!

  2. These are great goals! I'm also working on exercise, healthier eating, and being more organized! Happy New Year!

  3. I need to start my clean eating back as well!!! Eeek!!!!!

  4. Love your goals! The new year always makes me want to get organized, too - last year I did our paperwork and it has made life SO much easier. I'm actually not dreading doing our taxes this year because I know where everything is, ha! Happy 2015 :)


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