Thursday, April 4, 2013

Easter Basket: Men's Edition

I really wanted to write this post before Easter, but I was terrified hubby would read it and ruin his Easter surprise. I love all holidays, and like to find creative ways to make them special. Since this was our first Easter as a married couple, I wanted it to be a memorable one. I suggested to Adam that we make each other Easter baskets, and he loved the idea. I immediately started searching for fun and inexpensive things to put in his basket.

I decided to use a case of beer for the basket, so I just cut off the top. I left the bottom row of beers in the basket and threw a bunch of blue grass inside. 

I filled Adam's basket with beer(obviously), raisinets, sunflower seeds, a Reester bunny, DVD's, shower gel,  and chapstick. I also found those awesome basketball eggs at Meijer and filled them with his favorite, starburst jelly beans. 

When he found his basket hidden in the garage cabinets, I think he was pretty excited.

I had so much fun with this, I am already thinking up ideas for next Easter.

Have you made your significant other an Easter basket? What did you fill it with?
Do you have any other ideas for couples to make holidays special?

1 comment:

  1. I love this! Creating a basket out of a beer case was a great idea. We've been married nearly 20 years and still give each other baskets.


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