Thursday, April 11, 2013

New Kitchen Colors!

It has recently occurred to me that I have seriously been slacking on the updates to our home, or showing you any pictures since we have moved in whatsoever. I think a big part of this is because I don't think any of the rooms are completely finished to my liking yet, and I feel that my house just does not measure up to all the wonderfully decorated homes in the blogger world. 

Well, today a voice inside me was screaming "WHO CARES?!" Despite all the changes I eventually want to make to my home, I equally appreciate the stage it is in now, and I am going to proudly share our progress with all of you. 

disclaimer: most of our furniture and decor is either hand-me-downs from friends and relatives OR from our college days and years of apartment living. 

But, without further ado, here is our kitchen:

This is what the kitchen looked like when we moved in, as shown in our empty Home Tour post.

And here is what the kitchen looks like now:

View from dinette/living area:

View from the back door/garage:

(this area is usually full of our crap from throughout the week. yes, i hid it in the laundry room while taking these pictures)

I have always wanted a brown/tan/burgundy kitchen, and so far I love the direction our kitchen is heading. I can't wait to add a little more wine decor to finish the kitchen off. Also, the mismatched appliances drive me crazy, but they will have to do for now. 

Next week, I will be showing off our dinette area. I promise you it is much more fun then kitchen cabinets and appliances.

What do you think of my kitchen repaint? Anyone else repaint their kitchen lately? Anyone braver than I was and paint it a bright/crazy color?

I would love to hear your thoughts!


  1. I totally understand what you mean about wanting to wait until everything is "done" before posting. I am notorious for this!

    You have so much great cabinet space. Love it!

    Stopping by from Decor and the Dog.

  2. I love the color:) I'm pretty sure that's the color we have in our family room. We went crazy and did a dark red in our kitchen, but love it as well! Hope you guys are doing well...we need to plan a family get together this summer!

    1. Dark red sounds amazing, I was not that brave! Agreed to the family get together, we miss you guys!


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