Friday, September 27, 2013

My Candle Obsession

TRUE LIFE: I'm addicted to candles. 
The first step is admitting you have a problem right? My favorite thing about fall is that I can start burning candles again! Throughout the summer, I try so hard but when it's 90+ degrees out, the last thing I want to do is light a candle to produce more heat! But in the fall, the weather is just cool enough, and the scents are the absolute best. 

Although the weather this week is feeling more like summer than fall, I decided to share with you my favorite fall scents this year. Normally, I am a devoted Yankee Candle customer, but Bath & Body Works was so tempting with their 2 for $22 deal going on. 

So here they are, my favorite candles of the season:

Yankee Candle: Apple Pumpkin
This is the perfect blend of apple (which is my favorite) and pumpkin (the husbands favorite). It has a nice small that floats through the whole house. Love, love, love!

Yankee Candle: Season's Blessings
This is quite honestly my favorite fall candle... ever. And probably my favorite of all the Yankee Candles I've ever smelled! I went to buy a large jar this year, and was told that this scent has retired. Instead of crying my way out of the store, I did the next best thing: hopped on the phone with the Yankee outlet! When I was informed they only had medium jars left, it became vital that I buy at least 2. Gotta stock up for next year right!?

Yankee Candle World Jouneys: South African Vineyard
I am a little weird about my candles "matching" the rooms they are in. I am a little more lax in the living room and kitchen, but in the bedrooms, the candles MUST match. Do you know how hard it is to find a dark purple candle with a nice scent? Well let me tell you, it is not easy. Until last year when I found this beauty at TJ Maxx. It smells great and can be burned all year round. I only burned this baby once in a while, because once you find something at TJ Maxx, the chances of you finding it again are darn near impossible. Am I right? Well you would never believe what I found again THIS fall while perusing their candle section, that's right, the exact same candle! My husband thought I was crazy when I just had to have another one. (He just doesn't get it, ladies!)

Bath and Body Works: Applewood Bonfire
Bath and Body Works: Leaves
Bath and Body Works: Pumpkin Caramel Latte
Bath and Body Works: Marshmallow Fireside

And last, but certainly not least, I am loving almost every scent at Bath and Body Works. I started of by purchasing Pumpkin Caramel Latte and Leaves. A week later, I was still wishing I bought Applewood Bonfire. Since it had the word "bonfire" in it, I figured Adam would love it. Not only did he convince me... i mean give me permission... to buy it, but he also picked out another candle, Marshamallow Fireside. :::I think I'm finally converting him!:::

(Another one of my fall favorites that is not shown is Yankee Candle's Harvest)

I think it's safe to say I'm stocked up until the winter season, and my little home is going to be smelling like a cider mill mixed with a pumpkin patch!
I will be burning my candles sipping Apple Cider Sangria and watching Double, Double, Toil in Trouble all October long! 


  1. You're the second person I've heard talk about the Bath & Body Works candles. I haven't tried them yet, I feel I must!!! :)

    Thank you for linking to Super Sunday Sync!

  2. I LOVE candles too, especially in the Fall! I will definitely have to check out Bath & Body Works for their candles. I always forget about them and it sounds like they smell amazing!

    1. They are so great! I spent at
      East an hour in there trying to decide which scents to buy!


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