Sunday, October 20, 2013

My First Ever 5K!

Sorry to interrupt the usual crafts and recipes, but I am so excited to say that I finally ran my first 5K! 
I always think about and/or plan to run a 5K, and then for some reason it never ends up happening. I forget to register, my running partner get injured, you know, life happens. Well, I finally convinced my sister to run with me, only because she got a t-shirt and lunch afterwards!
Going into it, I only had one goal, to RUN the whole thing WITHOUT WALKING! I was pretty confident that I could do it, and I honestly didn't care how slow my time ended up being. I just wanted to run the entire 5K without taking walking breaks. 

GUESS WHAT?! I DID IT, or should I say WE DID IT! 
I ran the whole thing with my sister, who needed a little more motivation than I did to just keep running.
She did great though, and I was so proud of her at the end!

I ended up crossing the finish line at 38:16 and decided that was a great time to try to beat for my next race!

Now that I ran my first 5K, I can't wait to run another and another and another! Maybe I'll even bump it up to a 10K sometime. Overall, I had a great time running with my sister! It was a great bonding experience, and I loved having someone to talk to during my run. But, I think it was probably her one and only. I asked her when she wanted to sign up for another and she made it clear she only ran it to cross it off her bucket list. If you know my sister, this probably does not surprise you.

So, now I'm on a mission to get my hubby back in shape after his knee surgery so he can be my running partner again. I think I'm officially addicted! 


  1. Congrats! I've never run an "official" 5k, so I'm impressed :)

  2. Congrats on the accomplishment!

    Thank you for linking up to Super Sunday Sync.

  3. That is awesome! So glad you were able to have this adventure with your sister.
    Hope you get to have many more!

    Visiting from #SSShop!


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