Friday, February 7, 2014

Heart Garland

If you saw my Photo An Hour post, then you probably already saw that I was making heart garland. I'm kind of becoming obsessed with paper garland, and now that I have a bulletin board to easily string it from, it's getting worse. 

It is so simple to make! I used my cricut to cut out 1inch red hearts and then set the through the sewing machine one by one. I used about 300 hearts and I think it ended up being around 15feet long. 

I think the garland would look great in mixture of colors as well. I might make another one with red, pink, and white. We'll see! 

I feel like such a slacker this year. Valentine's Day is a week away and I have yet to get out all of my decorations! I meant to last weekend, but between a broken furnace, homework, and the Super Bowl I was a bit busy. Oh well, that's what this weekend is for! 


1 comment:

  1. Love your Valentine's heart garland! I need to learn how to use my sewing machine so I can make some cute garland...super cute for any occasion.


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