Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Michigan Love Art

I absolutely love Michigan. I can't really imagine ever leaving this wonderful state, and I'm not sure what I would do without experiencing four seasons every year. 

Speaking of loving Michigan and celebrating all the seasons, we got dumped on again last night. I was finally accepting the fact that winter is nearly over and my chances for more snow days were slim to none, at least until last night when we were accumulating an inch an hour! I felt like a little kid waking up throughout the night and instantly grabbing my phone to check school closings. I won't even mention the fact that I wore my PJ's backwards last night... Guess what? My uncomfortable backwards PJ's paid off, because finally around 6am I got my snow day (good thing I hit the snooze a few times before getting out of bed)!

But back to the craft at hand, I decided to make some glittery state art. Another very simple craft (I've been doing a lot of tese lately, haven't I?) that took just minutes to complete. I used my cricut to cut out the state of Michigan and the heart. Glued it onto some scrapbook paper, and stuck it in an Ikea frame. 

I'm getting pretty fancy aren't I?

Don't worry, I'm working on a few more interesting projects to share in the next few weeks, when the stress of homework, scholarships, and passing my ACLS re-certification are done!

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