Saturday, March 15, 2014

My Best Friend Got Hitched!

A week ago today, my best friend, Jenna, married the man of her dreams!
We made the 8 hour hike from Michigan to Iowa for a fun-filled weekend including the Bachelorette Party, Rehearsal and Rehearsal Dinner, some pampering, and best of all the WEDDING DAY!

I am preparing some posts next week in honor of her wedding, including bachelorette party planning, a wedding morning playlist, and the beautiful place cards I helped her mom make.
It's been a while since I got married, so I am excited to share some of the details of her big day since I got my start  blogging about my wedding day.

photo credit: Artsmith Photography

Isn't my best friend beautiful!? Isn't her new husband the luckiest man on earth?!
The answer is YES! to both those questions.

I can't believe how far we've come since we became friends in the 5th grade.

My Wedding Day: August 2012

Jenna's Wedding Day: March 2014

I am so happy for Jenna and am so glad I was able to be there for her on her special day. I know for a fact that she will make the best wife and mother around. 

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