Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Ceiling Fan Makeover

Our home has no air conditioning, so in the summertime, ceiling fans are an absolute MUST. Ceiling fans are ugly enough as it is, but the brass and wood ones we got stuck with were hideous! I was looking for a quick, easy and best of all, cheap, project to do last weekend. I thought to myself, why not try to paint these fans to improve the look of our bedrooms? This seemed to be much more financially responsible that buying brand new ones, so I went with it.

I had the hubs do all the dirty work and take apart each light and fan combo. I cleaned all the dust off of each piece, and then the painting began. I used Rustoleum's Oil Rubbed Bronze Paint on all the brass, and painted the fan blades using some paint I had left over from my Stenciled Cabinet project.  

Here is the ugly, drab ceiling fan I started with:

And the final product:

The grey matches the room perfectly, and I am so happy with the final result! it took hardly any time at all to complete and only cost me the $5 for the can of spray paint.

It is such a small change to our master bedroom, but it was so worth it to get rid of that ugly brass. 
Next step in improving the master bedroom: white trim!

What do you think? Does anyone else have old brass fans in their bedrooms? Does it bother you as well or am I just a bit neurotic? 

What are some other quick and easy projects that have made a difference in the look of your home? I would love to hear about them and maybe complete a few of them myself!

Happy Hump Day!


  1. what a difference some paint makes! Thanks for sharing at the Foodies and Crafties soiree!

  2. WaaaaaaY better! It's such a cheap thing to do too. I might just do that with my son's ceiling fan. would certainly beat buying new!

    1. You won't regret it! You could even make a design or paint sports stuff on it to make it more boy-ish. The possibilities are endless!


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