Sunday, November 17, 2013

The EASIEST Guacamole Recipe!

Tonight was Mexican night at casa de Muszynski. While I stood in the kitchen making my favorite guacamole, I decided I should share it with you all. I love guacamole... in fact, it's my favorite part of Mexican night (besides the margaritas!). I have tried many, many recipes in my day, but none of them have ever proven to be better than this simple recipe with only four, yes FOUR, ingredients!

2 ripe avocados
1 package of Ortega Guacamole Seasoning Mix
Red onion (as much as you'd like)
1 tablespoon of lime juice

Some people may think it's cheating to use a guacamole mix, but I honestly have found nothing as delicious, not even the copy cat Chipotle recipe (sorry, Chipotle!)

I have been using the Ortega Guacamole Seasoning Mix for quite some time now and love it, but just recently started adding things to it to try to make it even more delicious. 

The first key to this recipe is buying the perfectly ripe avocado. You want them to be as soft as possible, but nothing is more disappointing than cutting open an avocado and realizing its brown (I use this trick when at the grocery store)

I like my guacamole nice and creamy, so cutting the avocado into tiny pieces is a must for me. I then mash it all up with a fork before adding the guacamole mix, onion, and lime juice. Some people like it chunky, but the smoother the better in this house.
I'm also a red onion lover, so I usually put a lot in there, but most people aren't as big of fans, so just add as much as you like! 
And last but certainly not least comes the lime juice, which is the best part of the whole thing. You can try it without if you don't believe me, but you have been warned!

Last tip: Want to keep your guacamole from turning brown?
Stick the pits inside your dip and it will stay fresher longer! (I think the lime juice helps a bit as well)

Enjoy this simple guacamole recipe on your next family Mexican night!
Let me know what you think.


  1. thanks for sharing, I had no idea about the pits.

  2. I've never used a seasoning packet- what are the secret ingredients in it?? Thanks for sharing at the Foodies and Crafties Soiree!

  3. I love guacamole, can't wait to try your recipe!
    Thanks for sharing at Foodies & Crafties Soirée!
    Gosia | Kiddie Foodies


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