Sunday, December 15, 2013

Letter Photo Art

Looking for last minute gift ideas? 
Check out these fun letter art photos!

A few years ago, I made some of these as gifts and they were a huge hit! I love that you can pick whatever word you want, pick your letter design, and pick the size you want the letters to be!

In order to make this, you will need:
piece of wood, pictures frames (I got mine at Dollar Tree), spray paint, hot glue gun, letter pictures.

First, I picked my letters be clicking HERE. There are a ton of letters to choose from, and they are absolutely free!

Next, I spray painted both the wood and the picture frames. Then, I popped the pictures in the frames and pulled the support piece off the backing of frame, and hot glued the frames to the board.

Not only was this project simple, it was also pretty inexpensive. I bought the frames from the dollar store, making the spray paint the most expensive part.

I love making my gifts, not only to save money, but to make them a bit more personal as well. You can personalize these make them great gifts for anyone, and even if you have completed your Christmas shopping, you can always make one for yourself!

Happy Homemade Gifting!

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