Friday, December 13, 2013

Santa's Beard and Mustache

Ahhh, the semester has ended and that is a HUGE sense of relief for me! 
I have an entire month with absolutely no homework. What ever will I do with myself?! Well, don't worry about me! I have quite a few projects up my sleeve that I can't wait to do and then share with you all. 

With only 12 days left until Christmas, I am finally finding the time to create some wonderful new Christmas decor. I showed off my ruffled tree skirt earlier this week, and tonight, I present to you my new wall hanging for over the couch.

This project was inspired by some wrapping paper I've seen in multiple stores now that just has Santa's beard and mustache all over it. I fell in love with it the moment I saw it, but hubby reminded my of the thousands of rolls of wrapping paper I already had. So I came up with a better idea instead...

I used a very thin piece of tempered hard board, and covered it in green chevron fabric. To make the mustache and beard, I traced the mustache and beard onto felt, cut it out, and hot glued it on. We were able to hang it on the wall using 3M strips, which work perfect for this kind of thing. 

Here's a few close-ups:

I think this is one of my favorite projects I've done in a long time! I get so giddy walking into my living room these days, surrounded by Christmas festiveness. 

And in true Muszynski fashion, my first night homework-free is being spent watching Home Alone. I swear I can recite the whole first movie, and probably even the second one as well. I don't know what it is about these movies, but I've loved them ever since I was a kid.

Merry Christmas ya flithly animal!

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