Thursday, January 23, 2014

Crayon Wreath

How cute is this crayon wreath?! Wouldn't it look great on a classroom door? My best friend is a teacher, and I have been wanting to make her one of these wreaths for a long, long time. Well, I finally did this Christmas and I'm so excited with how it turned out! And best of all, I think she liked it too!

in order to make this, you'll need:
crayons, two embroidery loops (different sizes), hot glue gun, ribbon

I wanted a bright, colorful wreath, so I chose to leave out all the neutral colors. I started by trying to lay out the crayons on the wreath before gluing. BAD IDEA. They rolled everywhere and it was a big mess. Finally, I decided to do it one color at a time. I started with the light pick color and glued all four of the crayons on to the wreath to better see that they were all evenly spaced out. I  continued around the wreath starting in the center of quadrant.  

When I finally got the crayons all glued on, I added ribbon to hang the wreath and a bow for a little extra decoration. I debated adding an apple or other school supplies for embellishment, but decided against it. I love the simplicity of the wreath with just the ribbon.

Now you can easily make this for all your teacher friends!
Ready. Set. Go!


  1. Super cute! My sister is a teacher, so this would be perfect for me to make for her.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this post at The Weekend re-Treat Link Party on The Best Blog Recipes! Wanted to stop by and Pin your post to our Party Boards :)

    Shauna @ The Best Blog Recipes


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