Monday, January 27, 2014

Fabric Covered Bulletin Board

I am the kind of person who buys all kinds of unique frames. It's the first thing I look for at garage sales and thrift stores, and I've also been known to garbage pick a frame or two. I always think I will use them for something, and then I forget about them. So when cleaning out our basement, I was reminded of all the beautiful frames just collecting dust down there, and I decided to do something about it. 

I decide a fabric covered bulletin board for me to pin notes and pictures on would be very useful, so I headed to hoppy lobby to purchase some fabric.

In order to make this, you'll need:
Bulletin board (or cardboard), large frame, fabric, and a hot glue gun

1. If you would like your frame a different color, spray painting it is probably your best option ( unless you live in Michigan and temperatures are in the negatives) 
2. Simply cut the cardboard to fit nice and snug inside the frame. Then cut your fabric a little bigger than the board on all sides. Iron the piece of fabrics you are using so you're new bulletin board is not covered in wrinkles. 
3. Hot glue the fabric to the board along the back. 
4. Stick the now fabric covered board back inside the frame. Reinforce if necessary. 
5. Hang up your new fabric covered bulletin board and enjoy! 

Now I just need to find/make some fun thumbtacks to go with my board and I'll be all set!

Happy Monday Morning! 

1 comment:

  1. Love the way it turned out! I need to keep my eyes open at garage sales this summer for some fun frames so I can do something like this.


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