Monday, February 3, 2014

Chevron Heart Door Hanger

This project has two of my favorite things: chevron and burlap, so it's no wonder why I love it so much! Especially hanging against our teal door (which yes, badly needs a new paint job). This project was very inexpensive. I think I paid $1.50 for the heart after my 50% off coupon, and 50 cents for the ink paint. The rest of the supplies I had on hand.

in order to make this, you'll need:
wood heart, twine, burlap, paint, hot glue gun, chevron pattern, painter's tape

I first painted a few layers of white onto the heart. When that dried, I used this pattern from Billie Monster to create my chevron design. Then I used the pink paint to fill in, I did this twice to be certain the pink was bright enough. 

When the paint was dry, I peeled off the painter's tape and hot glued the burlap bow and twine to the back for hanging. 
To tie a perfect looking bow, I found this tutorial from the Southern Mess blog.

I couldn't wait to hang this on my door, so I headed out in the freezing cold temperatures in the middle of a snowstorm to hang it and take these pictures. But doesn't it look like it was a warm sunny day?

I am the last person to be complaining about the snow. I actually love that we've had snow on the ground since November, but even I'm starting to dream of warmer temperatures. Especially since our furnace died this weekend and it was a cool, crisp 57 degrees in here this morning. Yikes! 

Happy February!
Did you bust out your valentine's decorations this weekend? I had every intention but just never got around to it! 


  1. Love this! I don't have many Valentine's decorations, so I need to make some. I always have some type of wreath or something on my front door, and this would be perfect for Valentine's Day!

    1. I love having something on the front door, no matter what the season!

  2. I adore anything chevron and this is just another cute project!

  3. I love this!!! I have been racking my brain with ways to decorate our burlap wreath for Valentines day but I might just take it down and work on a more spring or Easter themed one and in the meantime hang up a heart one like this one (: I love the chevron too!!!

  4. Super cute door décor idea! :) Thanks for linking up at the "Get Your DIY On" link up party! Don't forget to come back on March 2nd with your trash to treasure projects! :)


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