Saturday, February 1, 2014

A Photo an Hour

I was so excited when Stephanie from The Southern Mess Blog announced that she would be doing a Photo an Hour Link-Up this past Thursday. Well, silly me, I completely forgot about it. Thursday has come and gone, but better late than never, right?

Sometimes I feel like I don't share enough about my life with you guys on here, I just post craft project after craft project. I'm hoping this will give you a little more insight into my home life, whether you want it or not. Either way, I think this is a great way to show you.

I LOVE taking pictures... of anything really. Instagram is my absolute favorite app and form of social media, so this Photo an Hour is right up my alley! Just like the title says, you simply take one photo every hour for an entire day. Not that I think my life is super entertaining or anything, but I loved getting creative and finding fun ways to document the events of my day (or lack of). Let's get started shall we?

{getting some studying done before Adam wakes up, the only benefit to waking up early on a Saturday}

{Adam rolled out of bed and made blueberry muffins for breakfast}

{time for a workout}

{getting ready for the day, although I'm sure it will be spent at home}

{We are getting hit with a bunch of snow. Lucy doesn't mind one bit, and I actually don't either}

{gourmet grilled cheese for lunch}

{trying to stay warm with a broken furnace}

{saturday is almost always craft day, today I made some paper heart garland}

 {we finally got around to hanging the gallery wall for my new home office}

 {headed to home depot to try to fix he furnace and raided the paint samples. why do i feel guilty taking like 10 of one color? They are free, after all!}

 {Margarita time!}

{my family came over to visit. Dad and Adam worked on the furnace while the ladies played a round of Qwirkle}

Well there you have it, my day in hourly pictures! I hope it didn't completely bore you!
I am thinking of making this a monthly thing on the first of every month,  maybe even make it a monthly link-up. I've never done one of those before. Would anyone be interested?



  1. What a great idea :) I should do this sometime.

    1. Thanks Amanda! I am thinking about making it a monthly link-up if there is enough interest. :)

  2. I'd loved doing this for the link up and would love to do it more often too!

  3. Such a good idea! I would totally participate in a link-up!


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