Monday, January 5, 2015

52 Week Money Saving Challenge With a Twist

Last week, I shared my Five Goals for 2015. On that list was the goal to save more money.

I've seen the 52 Week Money Saving Challenge all over Pinterest for a while now, but just knew that wouldn't work for us. Starting in May, I will be finishing up my classes and quitting my job to complete full-time fieldwork until December. This really is exciting since I will get to finally be "working" in my chosen career as an Occupational Therapist. The downfall... having no pay checks.

I decided to use the 52 Week Challenge, but add a little twist to it. 
Instead of starting Week 1 with $1, I will start it with $52. This way, it will become easier to save the money. While it is the beginning of the year and I am feeling motivated to save money, I will put in higher amounts, and by the time I quit my job in May, the amount each week will be drastically lower. 

Aside from planning ahead for future months, I don't know about you, but I am inpatient and want to see a change NOW. By putting in higher amounts at the beginning, you will have already saved over $100 after two weeks, and over $200 within one month!

To remind myself to put money into the bank, I am printing this off and sticking it to my bulletin board. As I deposit money each week, I will check the box to make me feel extra accomplished. Sometimes it's the little things that keep me motivated.

Who's up for the challenge? I am starting today by putting $52 dollars in my savings account and you should, too! Plan a nice vacation, put it towards student loans, redecorate a room, or just keep it as an emergency fund. Whatever you do with it, I am sure you will be loving having some extra cash around this time next year :)

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